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* * * * - (4.47 - 17votes)

Bloody Mary

Alt Names:
Author: Kishi Torajirou
Artist: Kishi Torajirou
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mary, an evil spirit who gets her strength from sucking the very life from her unsuspecting lovers, is embroiled in an all out demonic war in Shibuya.

Adult content. Do not upload!
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Just thought I would refer to the "appropriate guidelines" http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/2977-not-sure-about-a-comic-ask-if-appropriate-here/ as to why the chapters most likely aren't here.

But why are those korean smut still here lol not like i am complaining 

you guys know what i am talking about right ?

Just thought I would refer to the "appropriate guidelines" http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/2977-not-sure-about-a-comic-ask-if-appropriate-here/ as to why the chapters most likely aren't here.

yep. this story has a lot of very edgy scenes, crossing several times the pornographic border, like genitalia piercings, rape, sex with monsters, sperm...as it is i would not see this on any classic manga scan website, it's clearly a hardcore, ultra violent hentai. 

Just thought I would refer to the "appropriate guidelines" http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/2977-not-sure-about-a-comic-ask-if-appropriate-here/ as to why the chapters most likely aren't here.

whatever happened to this?

Alrighty, that makes 2.

The last manga that I know the Botato folks pulled is "Nana to Koaru". It doesn't matter that it's great and unusual and touching and funny as a story about 2 very different people getting to know and value each other through the practices in question.

Nope, what we probably have here, as the Botato folks actually admitted re "Nana", is just that Botato is responding to an upset advertiser. The problem with doing that is that advertisers are very easily upsettable, and, just like in the world of actual humans, if one always gets upset about subject X, and in response the upsettee, Y, always gives in on X, then pretty soon all X will be entirely gone from the lives of X and Y.

We used to have that situation in the USA, and I'm old enough to remember how much it sucked.

I'm off to Mangafox!
Is this a joke! This manga is under reevaluation while far more subtle mangas than this have been banned from batoto.
How unfortunate, think of where we'll have to go to find it if it's not posted on Batoto...
Currently under reevaluation for it's appropriate for Batoto or not. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
this is good! looking forward for more! thanks uploader!
The demons seem too plentiful and voracious for it to be a sustainable situation, but this is a really good manga. I love the art and I especially like how the piercings are there, but not "in your face". I look forward to more!
Thank the translator, editor, and proofreader. All I did was upload it :P. Drop by the channel sometime
if anything, the demon design is kinda cool
i like it, kinda unique
New chapter thx pyros
It's a fun concept, as long as it doesn't get too gratuitous...
hmm Its on the borderline, but I don't think it deserves the almighty ban. Its fairly censored by the art style. Though its the mods call whether to pull it or not. Honestly give it a few more chapters, we are talking about demons and what not.
Could confuse this with Frank Miller if Dark Horse really pushed the envelope like they used to. . .
Erm...definitely adult-only
also drawn more western-y, less manga-y.
...interesting... demon, rape ALL the things, kill MOST of the demons, fall in love with random dude with piercings, rape more TO bait someone TO kill more shit. crazy shit, pretty good.
Cheesy but i think it has some potential.
Interesting...It has a uniqe apeal to it lol. I wonder what the release dates are going to be like for this one.
wtf did i just read? weird but interesting nonetheless

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