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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 19votes)


Alt Names: alt 703Xalt 7O3Xalt 7O3X!抢答战争alt เกมตอบโจทย์พิชิตฝันalt ナナマルサンバツ~7○3×~alt Nana Maru San Bantsualt Nana Maru San Batsualt Nana Maru San Batsu - 7O3X-alt Nanamaru Sanbatsualt Siete Correctas Tres Incorrectas -7O3X-
Author: Sugimoto Ikura
Artist: Sugimoto Ikura
Genres: School Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Question: What is the format of competitive quiz bowls, called "golden rule" by truly able players?
Answer: 7 Right 3 Wrong
Explanation: It means that one wins when he gets seven correct answers, or gets disqualifed when he gives three incorrect answers. It's a standard rule loved by competitive quiz bowl players.
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I really like this manga I hope someone pick it up ☹

If someone knows any translators that would like to help on this series, please let us know.

I really like this manga I hope someone pick it up ☹

I completely forgot that the anime started this season. Guess what I'm gonna binge?!

Oh my god, it's back! I always get so very excited and invested in this series!

Thank you so much for bringing it back, may you have good patience to see it through! ;w;

We Chihayafuru now

Indeed, that's a great manga as well. For anyone that wants to read more competitive karuta matches and doesn't mind some shoujo romance mixed in, I highly recommend it.

Thanks for another chapter! Looking forward to continuing this arc!

We Chihayafuru now


It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :D

Whoa, they have trains in Japan that can change the direction they are facing...I wish trains in England would do that.

Really did what I can to push this chapter out. Enjoy!


Me and the translator are looking for a proofreader and a redrawer (pretty moderate rds here) dedicated only for this series. PM me or ping any of the staff on our Discord server! :)

I started reading this because I watched the first episode of the anime. Now that I caught up, what do?


Learn japanese.

I started reading this because I watched the first episode of the anime. Now that I caught up, what do?

For those anxious to get more of this series, it's getting an anime starting this July!

Personally I don't like adapted-anime (I like original anime, of course) because it tends to get things wrong or add filler. But for this series, since scanlations are once again approximately dead and most of us have no idea where to find the RAWs, I'll make an exception! Even if this anime doesn't get subbed, I'm looking forward to watching the original~

and wiser (?)

As long as they're not senile!

Hair cutting.. character development..

Excellent, this got picked up again. I always loved the art.

It's not "someone picked it up", it's "the legendary she-ra roxx is back from a 3-year hiatus". It's the same scanlator as before, but older now!


and wiser (?)

"You seems like the kind of person who wouldnt take losing well"


-Sasajima's guide to how to make enemy instantly






I can't even begin to express how happy seeing this update made me feel. This was one of the first manga that got me back into reading it years ago. Thank you so much.


It's not "someone picked it up", it's "the legendary she-ra roxx is back from a 3-year hiatus". It's the same scanlator as before, but older now!



Holy mother of gods.... 3 years.. what the fuck.. x'DD

I'm way too busy to re-read this for now.. and dunno if it's worthy of time to re-read just for 1 chapter.. I'll come back once there's at least 10 new chapters.


Some of us never forgot :P

I'm glad someone uploaded a new chapter, or I would have never found this series. Brings back a lot of fond high school memories. 

W- w-w-w-what? A chapter? o/


Bless the scanlators!

Yeees yes!

omg, it's BACK!!


now I'll just let a few chapters accumulate before rereading from the beginning 'cause 3 years is a long time

Holy mother of gods.... 3 years.. what the fuck.. x'DD

I'm way too busy to re-read this for now.. and dunno if it's worthy of time to re-read just for 1 chapter.. I'll come back once there's at least 10 new chapters.

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