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* * * * - (4.25 - 8votes)

Comic Master J

Alt Names: alt コミックマスターJ
Author: Tabata Yoshiaki
Artist: Yugo Yuuki
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Leyend says if you write a message in the Bulletin Board of the Shibuya train station, a misterious man may help you finish your manga. Comic Master J is the legendary assistant that can finish a draft in no time regardless of the drawing style in exchange of 50.000 dollars. However, he will not work in your manga if it doesnt have a soul.

But... what is J's true identity? why does he wear an overcoat filled with drawing utensils? and more important... why is it that a man with such talent decided to move in the shadows of this industry instead of working on his own manga?
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Hope they leave out the 30 chapter long rape scene this time. Absolutely ruined Wolf Guy.

Jesus christ yes it did.


Rape is overused, but I could overlook it... but that? Holy crap it devolved into a rage manga...

Are there… more?

Hope they leave out the 30 chapter long rape scene this time. Absolutely ruined Wolf Guy.

agreed x.x. i've read the beginning of wolf guy like 17 times, but always end up stopping just before the shooting cuz i think the antagonist gets his way FAARRRRRR too much from that point on.

He's like the Black Jack of comic world. Heck even his clothes is all white opposite of Black Jack's all black.

I'm surprised that someone is actually translating this, I mean its fun but still. Anyways a solid chapter, easily my favorite one so far.

This manga reminds me of older-school manga that just went way over the top with the ridiculous factor and over-cool stuff.


In other words, awesome. Followed.

remind me of the manga about majhong playing prime minister.

This manga reminds me of older-school manga that just went way over the top with the ridiculous factor and over-cool stuff.


In other words, awesome. Followed.

I could buy into a superhuman stand-in manga artist that carries all the tools needed to write and draw manga under his coat at all times and that can copy anyone's style perfectly every time and that is really tall and has white hair.


But this climbing stairs on a motorcycle, covered in scars, carrying manga tools in a guitar case like the assassin from the Punisher, and just ends manga whenever he sees fit guy is way too over the top. I may have to unfollow this.

"When he breaks out his pentagram ruler"

*twitch twitch*


I know I'm OCD, but...


J is truly the manliest of all men

All men should strive to be like J

It talks about this break being written in some great style, but neither the art of the comic itself, nor the example of breaks artwork, is very good.

I tells ya, if I worked in a company where everyone yelled all the time, and constantly punched the air/each other, I'd jump off of something.

just so you know this manga is from the same creators of Akumetsu and Wolf Guy


Hope they leave out the 30 chapter long rape scene this time. Absolutely ruined Wolf Guy.

It talks about this break being written in some great style, but neither the art of the comic itself, nor the example of breaks artwork, is very good.

just so you know this manga is from the same creators of Akumetsu and Wolf Guy

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