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Chrono Trigger: Do Your Best, Chrono-kun!

Alt Names: alt クロノ・トリガー がんばれクロノくんalt Chrono Trigger: Ganbare, Chrono-kun
Author: Kaneko Osamu
Artist: Kaneko Osamu
Genres: Comedy ComedyOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A OneShot, included in the official game guide in Japan. It was drawn by an assistant of Akira Toriyama, the character designer of Chrono Trigger.
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WTF happened to the title ?


Truck-kun, on 19 Jan 2017 - 10:59, said:


Yes, yes it was. Cross time stories can be rather conviluted, go look it up on youtube but I warn you it will take maybe 3 hours to wrap your head around it even assuming you played the game through entirely.~ Lekupitrice


Okay, the english translated version of Chrono Cross was an epic failure. I enjoyed them both and spent many hours on it was good times, however because of Square not translating Radical Dreamers in english and remaking into a different version for english really killed the game series. Although the two storylines is epic masterpiece that could become better if remade we all know it will never happen.


Let's see if i remember, the Masamune turns into an evil sword, Crono, Marle and Lucca die, Robo never exists and Guardia falls to F@CKING Dalton when Crono, Marle and Lucca would be 22, 21 and 24 years old respectably and 5 years after the party beats Lavos.....


PS Sorry about that but they ruined the ending of Chrono Trigger for me.

Truck-kun, on 19 Jan 2017 - 10:59, said:

Bull. Chrono Cross was a direct, referential, and consequential sequel to the events of Trigger.


Yes, yes it was. Cross time stories can be rather conviluted, go look it up on youtube but I warn you it will take maybe 3 hours to wrap your head around it even assuming you played the game through entirely.~ Lekupitrice


Okay, the english translated version of Chrono Cross was an epic failure. I enjoyed them both and spent many hours on it was good times, however because of Square not translating Radical Dreamers in english and remaking into a different version for english really killed the game series. Although the two storylines is epic masterpiece that could become better if remade we all know it will never happen.

Beat me up and earn 15 silver points!

Talking Crono? Ugh... Only reading cause I like Ramsus-kun's work on the Suikoden mangas. Would have been perfect if Crono only answer with facial expressions and nods, but I digress =01....

Bull. Chrono Cross was a direct, referential, and consequential sequel to the events of Trigger.


Yes, yes it was. Cross time stories can be rather conviluted, go look it up on youtube but I warn you it will take maybe 3 hours to wrap your head around it even assuming you played the game through entirely.

i can't read this without the ost playing in my head lol

me too!


i can't read this without the ost playing in my head lol

That wasn't a sequel.  That was a completely other story that paid homage to Chrono Trigger.  If you had played it first, you would have absolutely no clue what Chrono Trigger was about.

Bull. Chrono Cross was a direct, referential, and consequential sequel to the events of Trigger.

You do know there is a sequel right? Chrono Cross, for the PS1, it's actually pretty good too. I doubt they make a sequel to that tho. Square hasn't been the same since Enix came along... but that's another story.


That wasn't a sequel.  That was a completely other story that paid homage to Chrono Trigger.  If you had played it first, you would have absolutely no clue what Chrono Trigger was about.

You do know there is a sequel right? Chrono Cross, for the PS1, it's actually pretty good too. I doubt they make a sequel to that tho. Square hasn't been the same since Enix came along... but that's another story.


Story was good. Combat was pretty blah after the half way mark. <_<

You do know there is a sequel right? Chrono Cross, for the PS1, it's actually pretty good too. I doubt they make a sequel to that tho. Square hasn't been the same since Enix came along... but that's another story.

Well, I did say "more". Chrono Cross is good but I still like Chrono Trigger more. Sequel at this point of time is just my wishful thinking

Man, I miss this game. I want more sequel.

You do know there is a sequel right? Chrono Cross, for the PS1, it's actually pretty good too. I doubt they make a sequel to that tho. Square hasn't been the same since Enix came along... but that's another story.

Man, I miss this game. I want more sequel.

you can't beat the classics.

    • whh likes this

Man, I miss this game. I want more sequel.

Crono's awful chatty for a silent protagonist.

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