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* * * - - (3.33 - 30votes)

Chain Chronicle Crimson

Alt Names:
Author: Sega Networks
Artist: Okazaki Junpei
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Wizard Cass aims to become a hero. He meets with the leader Yuri of the militia, to take the first step to his dream. But Cass who had underestimated the “battle” does not even make it out to the battlefield without being stopped by the soldiers! It’s up to Cass to learn how to become a hero!
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I want to like this comic for featuring the rarely seen side characters like Cervantes but the writing is so bad and the main character Cass is so unlikable...!

As an avid fan of Chain Chronicle, I say this is really bad and have none of the charisma of the original game. The plot is cringe worthy and you have one of the most unlikable protag in this comic - self-centered, arrogant, plus sexual harassment as a "comedy" trait (already a bad thing, but they manage to make it went so far across the line that it becomes disgusting). He learns shallow life lessons that does not remedy his personality one bit yet the other characters immediately warms up to him because he is the protagonist... in a non-canon side story of a game.


It is cancelled, by the way, and the idiot is a promotional character that is worthless and also sells for very little!

i give up after reading 2 chapters... people who already playing this game shouldnt read this manga...

i rather playing phoena's volunteer cheer skill quest all over again (if possible)...

its 1000x more exciting and challenging

I actually played the game all the way to the "end" of the game completing the main story and honestly I have to say that this is a horrible adaptation of a game to a manga. Honestly if you want to know about the story you would better off playing the game since you can make choices and learn more about the other characters and have some pretty funny dialog from some of the choices you make.

After reading chapter 3; I can only say that if you're right, they're completely and utterly fucking up the side story theme, shitting on the corpse and then dragging it through the street.

Couldnt agree with you more now. This Kaz, if hes on the recruit list, I rather have 3000g and my Rings, even if hes 4-5☆.

Shingeki no fairytail

Its probably doing the game's character side story theme rather than focusing on the main story since its still updating to this day.

After reading chapter 3; I can only say that if you're right, they're completely and utterly fucking up the side story theme, shitting on the corpse and then dragging it through the street.

This takes me back. I was playing this game. And I only got that golden card, can't even get those super rare cards. :( I believe it was the masked knight. LOL


The story seems like it would be fine if it was paced better. The pacing here feels more like a One-shot rather than a chapter one.

Its probably doing the game's character side story theme rather than focusing on the main story since its still updating to this day.

This is atrocious.

Meh. The protagonist is an idiot, the story lacks focus. It tries to be profound through shallow life lessons, when all it really has to offer is chaotically drawn combat.

The story seems like it would be fine if it was paced better. The pacing here feels more like a One-shot rather than a chapter one.

for some reason not getting immersed idk why :l 

Yugud looks awefully like Great Britain + Ireland to me...

Wow, pretty good.

Been playing Chain Chronicle since November. Awesome game. I knew an anime was coming out but didn't know there was a manga. Hope this is good.

This comic is based on Chain Chronicle, an apple/android/vita game, almost all the characters mentioned are playable cards (other than Anna).

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