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Anye Fei Ying - Xin Zhi Shang

Alt Names: alt Anye Fei Ying: Xin Zhi Shangalt The Evening Red Shadow - Heart's Woundalt The Evening Red Shadow: Heart's Woundalt 暗夜绯影·心之殇
Author: Ileguo
Artist: Ileguo
Genres: Action ActionFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Border wars ravaged the water nation. In order to calm the war, the royal family was forced to send the king’s daughter amidst the fighting, but the storm continued… Meanwhile, there existed a struggle within the royalty, where fate hangs in the balance! The wheel of fate spins quietly….

Original Webcomic: http://www.u17.com/comic/84590.html
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i doubt the girl would be treated that "well" if she were a bastard.

i should have said it differently though. the prince is too old, and the wrong gender.

you only trade women for peace, for some reason. almost as if they were cattle.

a young boy may be treated the same, like and expensive toy. but not an old man like the prince.

The reason one would trade a daughter for peace is because most dynasties are male centered. As such, children of a princess have barely no rights of inheritance. By sending a daughter to be married into a family, an alliance is generally formed for a generation or two due to filial piety. Sending a son away is literally giving him away as a hostage, since he can inherit the kingdom or be used to usurp the kingdom.


In this situation, it seems like the dynasty is matriarchal, so everything is flipped. The hostage has to be a woman who can inherit and the males are to be married into another family for political gains.

and he's the prince who'll be next in line if the crown princess dies. just not the right target if you want to decapitate the queen.

If the crown princess dies, the other kid (her little brother, I assume) should be the next in line. After that kid dies, then the prince should be the next in line.

He's married? I assumed he just fooled around with a made and got a kid.

i doubt the girl would be treated that "well" if she were a bastard.

i should have said it differently though. the prince is too old, and the wrong gender.

you only trade women for peace, for some reason. almost as if they were cattle.

a young boy may be treated the same, like and expensive toy. but not an old man like the prince.

nope, he's already married.

and he's the prince who'll be next in line if the crown princess dies. just not the right target if you want to decapitate the queen.

He's married? I assumed he just fooled around with a made and got a kid.

couldn't they exchange the prince?

nope, he's already married.

and he's the prince who'll be next in line if the crown princess dies. just not the right target if you want to decapitate the queen.

couldn't they exchange the prince?

looks interesting, but the chapters feel much too short. 2 chapters and barely anything has happened. :S

Hmm but you know it never said that her mother was Queen Irene. All we know is that the woman is her mother and her father is the prince who is the brother of the queen.


Edit - wow way to be misleading

*See tags* hmmm.

*Read description* maybe.

*See incest comment. Taps follow.* The hell is wrong with me.

edit :Not sure if thats incest. Fei Li can simply be the grand daughter to the queen. Still interesting so I'll still follow.

incest? O.o

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