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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 39votes)

Adele to Darius

Alt Names: alt Adele and Darius
Author: Onda Shizuru
Artist: Onda Shizuru
Genres: Historical HistoricalOneshot OneshotRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Adele was just another maltreated slave girl being sold at the country market. She was sold one day to become an addition to the harem of the country’s King of Cruelty. Rumor has it that the once the King takes a slave girl for the night, he then executes her in the morning. Once in the harem, she sees that all girls who are called into the King’s chamber really do not return. To fight against this fate, Adele resolves to volunteer to be called to the King’s chamber and find out the truth. But things are not what they seem…
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LOL guys, this is the tale of Scheherazade from 1001 nights. I‘m surprised nobody in the comments seems to know. It’s a 100 % copy of the original Arabian fairytale.

dat plot twist tho

i usually dont go for this style (more of a scool life fan) but i just couldent stop reading it i liked it a lot :)

a nice twist of 1001 nights xD

I always feel a bit of a disconnect when they talk about really well-drawn shoujo manga girls being 'unnattractive', because it's clear that the intent of the story has nothing to do with what's actually drawn...
"Maltreated", eh?

Actually, locks those small probably did exist back then. Locks have been around since ancient Egypt. As for it being an earring, what better way to identify her as being a slave should she get out of her manacles and whatnot?
me likey :)
It's really predictable but still, it's really cute.
Not bad. Nothing unexpected, but then, the execution was good. Although my one qualm is the earring she has. I mean, really? A lock for an earring? 1. How would a lock that small be possible back in those days, and 2. How much more obviously symbolic can you get? It just looks wrong.

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