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[spoiler] raws?

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    Russet Potato

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Nah. I don't see next week changing much. We have about 4-5 chapters before we'll actually get to see any hint of the sealed monster. Build up, man, it's all about the build up.



    Sweet Potato

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Nah. I don't see next week changing much. We have about 4-5 chapters before we'll actually get to see any hint of the sealed monster. Build up, man, it's all about the build up.

True, could be, we'll just have to wait and see I suppose. And yeah, OMAS noting that the crew had arrived in Claudemonde (with its sealed monster and magical heart that needs taking) along with "Rang and company" not far behind is definitely what I'm basing it on.........yup, we'll see. I'm also kinda hoping the Mercenary King shows up too. 




    Russet Potato

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Yeah, I read OMAS's spoiler. I'm just basing my opinion off Kim Sarae's love for pacing out dramatic events. Season one had quite a bit of combat due to traveling with Edermask, but this season has been about the chitter chatter, going shopping, girl drama, WHAM Episode, back together, chitter chatter, explain plans, explain more plans, do something to ruin said plans, ACTION. chitter chatter, back together, going shopping, girl drama. In other words, slow pacing and lots of build up. Not that I'm complaining.




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Yeah, I read OMAS's spoiler. I'm just basing my opinion off Kim Sarae's love for pacing out dramatic events. Season one had quite a bit of combat due to traveling with Edermask, but this season has been about the chitter chatter, going shopping, girl drama, WHAM Episode, back together, chitter chatter, explain plans, explain more plans, do something to ruin said plans, ACTION. chitter chatter, back together, going shopping, girl drama. In other words, slow pacing and lots of build up. Not that I'm complaining.

Aahha that was pretty much this season summary. But least it's not some silly magic like pretty much every other manga/manhwa, this season is more mature, it's nice to adapt to the view of the ones that started the journey..

The battle plans and all that have been quite amazing as strategics to capture Edermask!!

I think it's funny when you read the raws and then the translation and u think, all that text and they said mostly nothing  :mellow:



    Baked Potato

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So ... I´m still guessing that that honor student of the headmaster of the whole sealing place is kinda suspicious and may prove to be kinda troublesome in one way or another. Might not directly doublecoss (prhaps even the well-intentioned opposite) his master, but he might still put some harmful stones in the way of Edermasks party ... especially, if there´s a hunting party - lead by some of the nastiest top dogs of the one currently in charge of a continent spanning empire - preying on them.


The whole issue may cause a serious bloodbath at Claudemonde, too. After all, neither (most) bounty hunters, nor Rang and Fenilia care about civil causalities all that much. And if Edermask, Iremi and Enzu and the Monks are busy with themself or are distracted by some creature that may or may not be kinda well-placed in some kind of cosmic horror story (who knows?), things may actually turn into a significantly greater mess than Edermask might´ve anticipated.

Edited by Akasha, 07 December 2013 - 04:27 PM.



    Sweet Potato

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So ... I´m still guessing that that honor student of the headmaster of the whole sealing place is kinda suspicious and may prove to be kinda troublesome in one way or another. Might not directly doublecoss (prhaps even the well-intentioned opposite) his master, but he might still put some harmful stones in the way of Edermasks party ... especially, if there´s a hunting party - lead by some of the nastiest top dogs of the one currently in charge of a continent spanning empire - preying on them.


The whole issue may cause a serious bloodbath at Claudemonde, too. After all, neither (most) bounty hunters, nor Rang and Fenilia care about civil causalities all that much. And if Edermask, Iremi and Enzu and the Monks are busy with themself or are distracted by some creature that may or may not be kinda well-placed in some kind of cosmic horror story (who knows?), things may actually turn into a significantly greater mess than Edermask might´ve anticipated.

Yeah, I'd agree with you, whether it happens sooner or later we're liable to get some outrageous combat here soon enough. And yeah, "city leveling" style comes to mind as well, kind of like what happened way back in the first season when Edermask and the kids first met Adjussi and he helped to smuggle them out of the blockaded city.  




    Russet Potato

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So ... I´m still guessing that that honor student of the headmaster of the whole sealing place is kinda suspicious and may prove to be kinda troublesome in one way or another.

I don't remember this person. Can you provide a link to the chapter that he was introduced in?



    Baked Potato

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I don't remember this person. Can you provide a link to the chapter that he was introduced in?






Some minor talk about the student (who´s an adult right now, I guess):



Not enough to make any educated guess about that guy, just enough to speculate from a narrative point of view about how things may turn out.


Those chapters (especially the one below, ecetera) are rather important for the current course of the story, too. The guy in charge of Claudemonde is commenting Iremi and Iremis seal and all ... Edermask´s taking some time to elaborate about how the seals that are used to seal that monster´re working ... again some talk about Iremis seal and a little bit about Wandra. Forshadowing for the events of the current arc, it seems.

Edited by Akasha, 09 December 2013 - 06:03 AM.




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the poor kid did had that look on his face, but he seems to be just the copy of those Indian brilliant kids that study math or medicine just being 10 years old..? I really dont like the idea of a bloodshed, it will be like more people Edermask drives to their deaths by contacting him, he's already too beaten! The hunting party and even Rang ar not difficult to deal, there might be hostages.. But they can sense anyone near by, even assassination seems unlikely. Only if the Monster or they try unseal Iremi and it distractes...nice, lot's of things can go wrong!!! 




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New chapter came, have no idea what they said but it's like someone said here, nothing happens we already know how beautiful the temple is.. frivolous Molliovoire doesnt, and the kid now all teen did really appear, it's all very menacing



    Sweet Potato

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Yup, lots of talking and not any action yet. I'll be interested in the convo between Fenelia and Edan though, that's an interesting dynamic more so with the both of their relationship with Janus........Edan certainly didn't seem very happy with whatever Fenelia had to say to him. Not that that's a big surprise or anything, but still.  :D




    Potato Spud

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Why is it bad that yoong appeared again? I'm really excited about that actually....




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Why is it bad that yoong appeared again? I'm really excited about that actually....

The indian monk is way centuries ahead in almos every aspect of Iremi (even with the seal she's very crafty and pretty smart, but way naive and unstable) and Enzu, you just know he's badass. Altough he might not fight, knowledge and some good brains are the real attributes that can stop Janus, well or really overwhelming power.

I hope his the one assigned to help the party



    Russet Potato

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Why is it bad that yoong appeared again? I'm really excited about that actually....

Because Yoong gives off a Deceptive Disciple vibe.




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I bet the elder, the head must be dead. If that's so the boy is the new head. 

The deceptive look, the very smart look and the i kew you would come again sometime look, and the i felt the battle as you approached and maybe i even know more people are coming?


Pretty dangerous, right? Presence and emotions erased are always hard to deal with. Shouldnt be under Janus wing, but there's always other things, maybe even use them to have the heart of the beast... or become a real ally, with real brains for once



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Wow, what the heck was going on there? I guess it remains to be seen, but it looks like those who thought that monk character might be little fishy were right after all.




    Russet Potato

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No, I don't think this chapter had anything to do with the Disciple's fishiness. More like Edermask scared the crap out of him when Edermask informed him of his (Edermask's) intentions to free the Beast.


On a side note, does anyone else think this was a relatively short chapter? I hope Kim Sarae is okay.



    Sweet Potato

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No, I don't think this chapter had anything to do with the Disciple's fishiness. More like Edermask scared the crap out of him when Edermask informed him of his (Edermask's) intentions to free the Beast.

Really? Sure put me in mind of Edermask accusing him or suspecting  the tea being spiked or something the way the scene played out. You could be right though, I suppose we'll see.





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No, I don't think this chapter had anything to do with the Disciple's fishiness. More like Edermask scared the crap out of him when Edermask informed him of his (Edermask's) intentions to free the Beast.


On a side note, does anyone else think this was a relatively short chapter? I hope Kim Sarae is okay.

The chapter was definitely quite short, but he managed to do all those flowers...lol

Spoiler>> below






The monk isnt a bad kid after all, poor thing. On the other hand Edermask shows his true colors again..

he has no problem playing the villain, that's Edermask for you the guy just threatned killing the monks if he refuses cooperating.

I would have loved there to be some naughty business, dark secret, something wrong in the past...i would like there to be something not even janus knew, like he does know everything, kinda annoying.

Edited by fair(y)slayer, 19 December 2013 - 06:23 PM.



    Russet Potato

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No idea what happened in today's chapter... @.@